Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friend Crush

Picture a white rabbit with a pierced eyebrow and blue eyes (and pretty, she's pretty, just sort of lapine looking.) and that's Lindsey. She is pretty much awesome, and I want to be her friend like whoa. We went to hot room yoga tonight (Not Bikram though, it's just yoga in a warm room. I loved it, it's better than Bikram.), and she's on rugby, and she wants to join the CIA after college, and she's awesome. I haven't felt this interested in anyone since I've been at Smith, I actually am really curious about her, and I could see her being a good friend. We might be yoga pals, we both really love the class. That would be great, cuz then we'd have that background before the season even started. She's going abroad next year (all year. boo.), but there's the whole semester still, which is nothing to sneeze at. I'm really hopeful this is going to be an actual friendship. I'm worried that I'm going to mess this up, I respond to almost everything she says with "That's great!" or, "That's so cool!", which sounds sort of insincere, but is actually not. Everything she said at dinner was actually cool and great, except for her stories about her pets dying (I responded appropriately to those stories though.).
Yoga was amazing. I bought a week's worth of classes, and I fully intend to buy more, cuz it is so bomb awesome. The instructor is great, he walks around the room during the class and helps you with the poses. This caused me to fall on my head at one point, but he took me by surprise, I'll be ready for it next time. I was sort of embarrassed at first, because I was the least dressed person in the room in my shorts and sports bra, but I got over it right away. It's hot in there, I don't get how people were comfortable in long yoga pants. I want to go back tomorrow, but I can't. I'll be there Thursday though. I don't know if it's easier than Bikram, but it is very very rewarding.

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