Friday, February 12, 2010

Within the Ordinary

People are messy. It's just the way we are designed. People make mistakes, and wreck relationships, and generally screw things up. I've done it, but so has everyone, and I don't think I do it more often than average. I sometimes forget that, and feel like an abnormally bad person, but that's ridiculous. Sometimes these things are our fault, but they aren't always. Sometimes it's just a matter of time and distance. I'm not some kind of bad friend mutant.
The crew coach is having all of the juniors over to her house for dinner tonight. I'm really really excited. I love the crew team. I don't know most of the rowers very well yet, but I'm optimistic. I had a really bad week, but things look bright for the future. This weekend is going to be good. I feel ok about my Res Life interview that I had this morning. I love my job, and I am ok with going to nursing school. Or PA school. I've decided that I'm going to have a great life, and whatever pitfalls I may encounter are not going to stop me. It sucks to lose friends, but I'm going to do my best to keep the ones I have, make new ones whenever I can, and not regret the ones who are gone. I think that's the best way to handle things. I haven't had very many/any serious romantic relationships, and so my closest approximations to a broken heart have been lost friends. It takes time to get over a failed relationship, but knowing it happens to everyone softens the blow.

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